Monday, June 17, 2013


It's 4 minutes to 11pm *cue Madonna's song* ok that was lame but I will try to type as fast as I can because I want to sleep :)
So here goes week 3 of the June holidays, and all of a sudden, after 2 weeks of slogging restlessly at home and having random trips overseas, I am actually reviving my social life!! Class gang is planning a trip to The Escape Artist, a really cool place in Bukit Timah which I found out about in the newspapers, and I'm heading over to Arina's place on Thursday to (hopefully) finish up my homework and tie up all the loose ends. YAY and I bet we'll watch videos and fangirl 'cause.....yeah. My uncle's bringing us out on Friday, gonna be pretty fun, and then it's the weekend which I will probably spend tying up loose ends (again). And then it'll be week 4 which hopefully will be fun and games for me :)
So that's the plan. Let's see if I will stick to it!
Anyway, I got back from my lovely trip to KL yesterday. Like the Perth trip, it was 3-day weekend trip, and I was looking forward to it because 1) haven't been to KL in a looooong time and 2) what were we gonna do there? Shop. Eat. Sleep. Now who wouldn't want that? So there were 12 of us altogether and we stayed at the Gardens Residences which is actually linked to a couple of malls (Gardens and Midvalley) so technically we did not step out of that freaking place at all! :) Isn't that great?
So on Friday morning (and I'm talking about 6am), we drove up to KL which took about 4 hours or so? Then we went grocery shopping and this Spanish restaurant which involved me smashing a plate into pieces. So at this place which I can't remember the name of (El something), we ordered paella, salads, cold cuts and of course what we went there for, the roasted suckling pig which was  i n c r e d i b l e. So when you order that, you get to participate in this tradition sorta thing. The waiter gives you a plate, like a real porcelain albeit cheap one, and first you knock the plate on the wooden board where the pig is served 3 times supposedly to get rid of the bad luck in your life. Then, the waiter gives you instructions on where to cut the meat, so you take your plate and you chop the meat real hard until you cut it. With the plate. And then after all the cutting is done, the waiter brings you over to this wooden bucket, where you are supposed to make one wish, and then you just drop the plate into the bucket and smash it into smithereens. INTERESTING RIGHT!! Yeah that was my favourite part :)
Okay so the rest of the trip was spent shopping at places like Isetan, Robinsons, Padini, F21, Uniqlo, Diva etc etc which was pretty good :) and we ate lots of good food :) I was too lazy to bring my camera along so sorry no photos this trip....and here's the thing: Fated is all I can say to describe it. I actually met Joanne!! I had no idea she was in KL until I heard from Tammy, and then when I caught up with Jo, I found out that WE WERE STAYING IN THE SAME PLACE. Like what?!?! How often does that happen anyway? And to make things even more exciting, I saw her eating breakfast while I was searching for breakfast in Gardens, which led to us almost screaming at each other and taking a photo together :) yay.
 What I wore on day 1: Zebra top - Cotton On; Maroon shorts - Cotton On; B&W speckled cardigan - Target; nails - Blue Lagoon by Revlon
Haul: (clockwise from top left): white top - Padini Authentics; striped pants - F21; studded leather bracelet - Vincci; Madonna UTGP'13 tee - Uniqlo; cobalt blue shorts - PDI

Yup, so that pretty much sums up my escapade to KL. Oh and what's a holiday without staying up till past midnight for movies and supper right :) so of course we did that! Like every night HAHA.
Okay see not bad took me less than 20 mins to type all that. Anyway, as the holidays slowly come to an end, the daunting reality of exams and tests and lessons await. Start mentally preparing yourselves guys. Tonight, I saw a brochure for TP's DPA exercise, and I'm seriously thinking if I should apply for it. If I do make it through, I get to go through this head-start programme which I would be really excited for. But in order to make it through, I need to prepare a portfolio and go through interviews and stuff to see if I'm up for  it, which means I need to spend a significant amount of time on preparation, and time is running out, so yeah I'm kinda stuck in a dilemma here...
Ah, anyway I should get some rest now. Enjoy the rest of your holidays and hope the haze isn't getting to you xx


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